All products available on our website can be found by using the search bar at the top of each page. Here you can search for items using:
-Product description keywords
-Manufacturer number
-Model number
-RSL item ID
-Brand name
Alternatively, users can also find products using our shop categories drop-down menu tab. Clicking this will reveal multiple categories that our products have been organised under – as well as sub-categories.
Clicking on a menu category will take you to another category page where you can refine what type of item you are looking for.
Once you have selected the categories you will then find yourself on a page with the most relevant products we have on the website. You can see on the side of the items list that there is an advanced filter section where you can refine your search even further with brands, manufacturers or product specifications. Simply hit the ‘+’ icon and tick the box that matches what you are looking for – the page will automatically refresh, narrowing down the number of items for you to look through.
If you select a filter but would like to remove it later, just look at ‘Selected Filter’ section and hit the ‘X’ next to the filter you would like to remove form your search.